All registered members of DBL Alumni are hereby notified that the 57th AGM of DBL Alumni will be held on Sunday September 8 from 10:00 am onwards. You can check your membership at


The old boys association of Don Bosco School, Liluah also called DON BOSCO ALUMNI LILUAH was formed in 1967 with the basic motto “KNOW, LOVE, HELP ONE ANOTHER AND KEEP UNITED”. Since the last fifty years the DBL Alumni has grown from a handful of members to more than 1000 members at present and have put their best to serve the society at large. The long history of the unit shows its selfless contribution to the society.

Best enjoyed and understood with SOUND ON.

Some of our notable highlights in brief - 

The Free Night School which is a boon to the under-privileged children today began as a small project in the year 1977 with the past pupils giving their finance and voluntary service. In the year 1979 this project was handed over to the Salesian Fathers for better functioning and it is still running in a smooth manner with about 600 students. It is a lasting monument of the Association of the Past Pupils, Liluah.

On 7th June 1991, The Past Pupils began a project to provide free basic and vocational education to deprived and underprivileged females between the age of 14 to 50 of the local area - The Adult Education Project. This is a two-year course wherein they are imparted basic education viz. English, Hindi, Mathematics and General Knowledge etc. We also try to educate them with our knowhow of moral values and practical knowledge viz. knitting, stitching, drawing, painting, and some general values. This project has been running since last 3 decades.

The Past Pupils began a Free Medical Unit on 31st January 2007 which is run every Sunday morning from 9.30 A.M. Around 115 patients are treated every week and provided with quality Medicines, Blood Test and ECG Free of cost. Till date the medical unit has treated around 30000 patients. These patients belonging to the weaker sections of the society are being examined by Doctors and are dispensed quality medicines free of cost.

The Blood Donation Camp is now an annual program of the Past Pupils after the thumping success in the first independent camp organized in 1998 with 91 donors.

The DBL Alumni donated a sum of Rs. 5 lakhs to our Salesians Province of Kolkata towards the renovation of a school in Pol Sanda More in Murshidabad district of West Bengal.

The DBL Alumni association constructed the Don Bosco bus stop in Howrah Road.

The DBL Alumni association set up a free drinking water kiosk for the needy.

We are registered under the income tax authorities, for any donations towards DBL Alumni and an 80G certificate is provided for the same. We are the very first unit in the world to have been registered under the income tax authorities.

We are grateful to the warm hearted and ever loving Salesians who have been our backbone and fore-runners in everything we do or achieve. Their support and encouragement have and is unparalleled.